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Lighten up!

Despite the cold temps of the last few nights, we all know that summer is right around the corner.  Last month we gave you some tips for cleaning your outdoor summer furniture but we wanted to go a little further and talk about other ways to lighten up your home for summer.

Yellow DaisyIn winter, we tend to hunker down, the fireplace is roaring, heavy and cozy furniture feels like the right thing, but when temperatures warm up, we forget to look at changing out of that winter mode.  But there’s no reason not to look around, look for ways to lighten things up and enjoy the summer season more.

For most of us, once we get our furniture in place that’s just how it stays.  It all just sits there, just the way it was the day we put it there. The bed linens stay the same; the dining room stays the same; even the drapes stay the same. Sure, we might put out holiday decorations for Christmas, but do we really stop and look at the “big picture” of our homes?

Are there things you could do to lighten up this summer?  Some changes are so simple—and yet we forget to think about them.  How about some new throw pillows on your sofa, or even slipcovers to completely change the look of the room in minutes?  Maybe move a couple of heavy pieces of furniture out of the way (we can store them for you if you don’t have room) and replace with some summer-y painted pieces or wicker instead?

Change your heavy winter bedspread or comforter for something light and airy for summer.   Roll up the heavy oriental carpets and put down a sisal rug. Feeling crafty? Stencil it with a leafy print. Or look at your dining room with fresh eyes, and replace the more formal “winter” pieces with some summertime freshness.

Although we got off pretty easily this winter (compared to so much of the rest of the country!), there’s still a lightness that comes with the warmer temperatures, and spending just a little bit of time and energy lightening up your home can pay big dividends in your enjoyment over the next six months!

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