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Elements of Design: Lighting

Elements of design are guidelines to help you balance your interior scheme in order to create a finished look that is aesthetically pleasing, but also functional. Design is a science as much as an art. Addressing each element that creates every designed space is made to enhance an area’s best features, hide flaws, and create a space that is alluring to the eye.

LIGHT: There are many ways you can boost the light in an area to be designed. Artificial light, natural and boosting light tricks. Natural light is our favorite but often needs to start with the architecture of the space. Adding in sky lights are large windows are two popular ways to create natural light. Well, as long as the weather allows for it.

Light can be boosted where it’s lacking with techniques such as hanging mirrors, borrowing it from other rooms, and with a window treatment.

Artificial light comes from the room’s ambient or background lighting, the accent lighting that draws attention to furniture, wall hangings or features of the room, and the task lighting that makes a kitchen safe for cooking, an office desk bright enough for working, or an area of a living space comfortable for reading or playing board games.

You can also play with dimmer switches which allow changes of ambiance of the room to be achieved with the lighting, while the choice of the light fixtures and fittings themselves will contribute to the room’s look and feel.

Lighting Element Design

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